Fall Leaves in Scituate

Monday, October 10, 2016

Okay. This post really doesn't need any writing at all, it pretty much explains itself... that New England is killin' it during fall! I grew up in the "butt hole" of Southern CA, dead grass, dry everything sparse trees and palm trees.  Looking back I'm thinking how have I missed out on all this?! But then at the same time I'm super grateful because I actually appreciate this, the locals who grew up with it aren't phased. So it's fun to see this new beautiful world! It was seriously like a sensory overload anytime I drove, like I almost got in an accident every 5 minutes.  The fact that I get to live here for the next 3 years... guys we scored.  And any family reading this, come visit during the 2nd & 3rd week in October! 

A couple weeks prior to this, Scituate had an art festival and I felt like I was in Stars Hollow straight out of Gilmore Girls... if only I was with someone other than Landon who would appreciate it with me! 

Juni's first set of pigtails! She would not keep them in just like all of her bows and headbands, but I distracted her and got them to stay in, yay!


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