Flower Child at Colby Farms

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

1st wk in September
Our sweet Juniper Joan was named after her late grandma Joan who loved sunflowers.  On Joan's birthday and for Mother's Day Landon always buys sunflowers in remembrance of her and it's our way to have her there with us.  So when I found out about this sunflower field at Colby Farms, I knew I had to go! It was 2 hours away north of Boston and for me that was a regular (actually shorter drive into work to LA) and I was hoping for Landon to go for family pictures but of course couldn't make it so we made the trek there alone. I had read that it was already passed the peak of the flowers and unfortunately when I got there they all looked pretty tattered and almost dead besides a little patch, where I took all my close ups :) I was way bummed after driving that long to see them almost dead but thankfully you can't even tell in the photos.  Juniper of course would NOT stay still for one nice portrait in front of the fields so I chased her around which always ends up being more fun in the end. Love this crazy wild child of mine! 


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