My Birthday!

Monday, August 15, 2016

I had my 27th birthday this year and I got to spend it with my BEST friend, my sweet Juniper.  I feel so blessed everyday that I have a daughter. I'm best friends with my mom and I can't wait to have that same relationship with Juni.

I had the day to myself since Landon was gone at work, and although I was sad I didn't get to spend the day with him, I actually like some good quality time alone so I was excited to have an entire day to do whatever I wanted!

I first drove down south to Narragansett and got lunch at the infamous Iggys.  Look at my diva baby!

I've never had a clam cake until moving to RI but I love them, and clam chowder is on my top 5 food list so I was pretty happy with this very unhealthy meal :) Juni is a picky eater too but she loves chowder too

We went to the beach and met up with a friend and her kids.  Juniper LOVES the beach and we had lots of fun. On my way home from the beach I passed an ice cream shop that was packed so I stopped and tried it out. YUM!

This was my 1st time giving Juniper ice cream or actually anything sweet ( i didn't even give her sugar on her birthday lol) BUT she was such a good girl and I wanted to enjoy it with her.


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