Butterfly Exhibit

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

While we were in San Diego over spring break we went to the San Diego Safari Park and specifically went to see The Butterfly Exhibit that was there for only 4 short weeks.  I love butterflies, and I especially love capturing butterflies on my camera (maybe it's more of the fact that it's not everyday you capture a butterfly staying still for longer than 3 seconds)? I was so excited to bring Juniper and was determined to get a photo of a butterfly on her head :)

Well since the exhibit was just a few short weeks the line was soooo long and what we thought was going to be a 1.5 hr wait turned into 3 hrs! Landon and Juni were both so done and over it, so by the time we got into the greenhouse I had to get my photos quick! 

Juniper was so so cute on Landon's shoulders and was trying to eat all of the butterflies flying past her head.  She would leave her mouth open and lean over in hopes on one landing on her tongue... thankfully that didn't happen. :)

That's Juni on the right trying to catch a butterfly in her mouth 

For the butterflies to land on your head you had to stay super still and Juniper was probably the only one there waving her arms constantly so we got lucky with a few landing on her head. I think the flower headband helped ;)

Her happy place is on her daddy's shoulders
It was long but worth the wait!


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