CA Trip

Friday, March 17, 2017

While Landon was rotating at the trauma hospital in Baltimore for a month, Juni and I flew to CA for a month to be with family.  I waited to tell my family that I was pregnant until we got there and they were shocked (because first off, I tell them everything especially to my mom & secondly I can't keep a secret), my sister is due 2 months before me so it was so hard keeping it from her while listening to her over the phone about all the same things I was going through with morning sickness.
When I got there I was so so sick the entire time and barely could move, I planned to work but once I got there I realized I really couldn't do much so I kept it to a minimum and mainly laid on the couch.  On the days I felt decent here's what we did! Chuck E Cheese with all the cousins, farm visits, In-n-out trips, and visits to the park of course.
Here's LOTS of photos....

And I'm just going to say that I probably have the worst sleeping child in the world! When she was a newborn from the day she was born the longest she would sleep was 3 hours (and that was on good days) and she started climbing at 8 months and could get out of her crib and when we travel she DOES NOT SLEEP. I've accepted that she has my insomnia, Landon's drive and both of our stubbornness combined and that pretty much is the only explanation of why and how she doesn't sleep. So when we got to my mom's she would climb out of the pack and play and scream at the door for hours, and she would climb on the big bed and with it being dark I was worried she was going to fall off and hit her head so the first week I didn't sleep.
One day for a nap I went in to check on her after her screaming for an hour and found her sleeping here! Seriously child, you're crazy!!! She was straight up sleeping.
We finally brought in my sister's HUGE crib and had a lot of sleepless nights and finally got her on a routine (of course when we were ready to leave).  I also decided to wean her from breastfeeding at this time since it was so exhausting on its own I just decided to throw that in there too.  With my surgery and boob issues, I was hesitant weaning because I didn't want it all to happen again and she was so attached to me so that was hard too, but we did it! It was sad but I'm glad that it's over with because I didn't want to be nursing weeks before I had our baby.

Every night we Facetimed with daddy and Juniper missed him so much. As soon as she heard his voice she would grab the phone and run and hide and talk to him.  She also tried playing with him and would push him around in the cart and car. 

My sis lives close to a dairy farm with THE BEST chocolate milk.  We took all the cousins and fed the animals there it was fun! 

Juniper was hesitant about feeding the animals, as was I haha, but we finally got her to hold the carrot for the guinea pigs. 


The couple times I worked out in LA Juniper hung out with her aunties.  She never ever lets me do her hair, but since she saw her cousins getting their hair done she wanted it too. My sis sent me this photo and I about died! She didn't keep it in of course, but it was cute while it lasted. 

Fun with all her cousins!
She loved baby Blake! I was surprised how soft and good she was with him, made me realize she's ready for a baby sister!

Entertaining the baby!

Everyone loves Grammy!

We went to Chuck E Cheese one afternoon with all the cousins.  Juniper was in heaven with all the rides.  She usually is into slides but the one they had there had steps that were too tall for her that were enclosed so her older boy cousins all took turns lifting her up to each step, it was so sweet.  

Auntie KK bought Juniper the prettiest dress with tights for Sunday and she loved it.  My baby girl is getting so big!

Juniper isn't the best eater and when she does eat it's little bites here and there and I'm always wondering if she's full.  Well, when I gave her her first In-n-out grilled cheese she ate the entire thing in one sitting! I was shocked, I realized she takes after her momma and loves her In-n-out. Thankfully at the time I was always wanting hamburgers with my pregnancy so we made many trips while we were there!
She also had her first ice cream cone.  Juni gets spoiled with Grammy around and learned the words candy and chocolate from all her cousins being around so when I gave her her very own ice cream cone she was SO happy... and messy :)
Taking advantage of the sidewalks in CA! Rhode Island doesn't have much for sidewalks with everything being so old so this is something I looked forward to coming to CA.
My little daredevil rode this car down the driveway by herself and then proceeded to rolling off and scraping her face. I felt bad so I made sure to ride with her from there on out, no matter how uncomfortable it was!
Her shiner she got. :(
Here's some spunk from our happy little girl. We sent daddy photos everyday, most of them consisted of these cute smiles and we would send a few funny ones too.

Daddy got home a day before us so when she saw daddy on her slide she was happy and then cried for hours for her slide lol she was definitely ready to go home, see her daddy and her beloved slide!

Finally on our way home to RI! She discovered her pockets in the airport and was really proud of herself as you can tell from her face :)
She did so well on the flights and fell asleep on my like this for the first time ever.  I nursed her on the way to CA and since I stopped nursing while I was there I was worried about our flights home but we made it!
I surprised her with lots of dollar store toys. For some odd reason she's obsessed with dinosaurs so when I gave her these she was pretty much ecstatic from there on out.  She loves her dinosaurs!
We also took one of my old Polly Pockets home and to my surprise she loved playing with them.
Finally home with daddy and they were inseparable! Look at these tired twin-ers! so cute.
And that next day was her first official day in nursery at church! She did great and had no problem with us leaving, she loves to play with other kids and when toys are involved she could care less about us.  We were so proud of our little girl!


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