
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December is the best month for memories.  I found out I was pregnant Dec. 12th...I was feeling off but nothing I couldn't bare, but the day after Christmas I was hit full on with morning sickness for the next 3.5 months, so I'm SO glad I was able to fully enjoy the holidays.  Here's a ton of photos from my phone of our first Christmas here in New England in our first house. 

Traumatized from Santa for forever! haha She loved seeing him from afar and reading books with him in it but sitting on his lap was not fun. 

My little baking partner, she loved loved to help and was actually good at keeping the whisk in the bowl. Can't wait until next year when she can do more. 

When the biggest storm hit New England, we got around 16 inches of snow and it was so fun to play in.  Juniper is a snow bunny like her daddy.

She was so proud of her giant snowball we gave her. 

Our little town here in Rhode Island has a Christmas tree lighting and they give out free s'mores, hot coco, and doughboys! It was awesome, I felt like I was in Gilmore Girls or something, we never had this growing up in CA so it was a fun experience for us all. 

Every second of the day was her trying to figure out how to get the rest of the red bulbs.  Look at that focus and determination on her face.  haha


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