Christmas Photo Shoot

Monday, December 5, 2016

Our mandatory Christmas photo shoot when Juniper was 17 months old.  And when I see these all I remember was me bribing her with mini m&m's sweating running back and forth trying to get ONE shot. We never ever give her candy or chocolate so when I did, she actually cooperated, YAY! haha

Her grinch face. Lots of sass, this one.

I LOVE her white hair, I still can't believe this little doll is ours.
Juniper at 17 months!
I didn't journal her at this age but at this age she was feeding herself really well with a spoon & fork, if daddy or mommy tried she freaked.  She loves to cook and bake with mommy in the kitchen, mixing is her specialty.  She knows her ABC's, 1-10 and shapes to our surprise along with colors.  She loves climbing and jumping off of everything.  She loves to be involved with other children and poor child just needs a sibling to play with. She's sleeping 11 hours a night and still nursing.  I am still getting up at least once a night to nurse her in the middle of the night, but usually twice. She loves to be a big helper, sweeping and mopping are her specialty. She also stopped eating veggies so green smoothies with kale and spinach became a morning or nightly ritual.  Also, 2 days before this shoot we found out we were pregnant with baby #2! Quite the Christmas surprise!


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