Salem MA for Halloween

Sunday, October 30, 2016

On our way home from Maine it happened to be Oct. 30th and Salem, Ma was on our way back home so we decided to make a quick pit stop to check it out.  I didn't do any planning beforehand but the only thing I had heard of was The Burying Point Cemetery where some people involved in the witch craft trials were buried and they had a few buildings there preserved from that time period.  Since we were pretty tired from the drive and we had a crazy baby on our hands we did our usual "Wood traveling" and ran through everything in a little over an hour.  It was cool to see the town but in my opinion it was a little overrated, I wanted to see more witch stuff or have more things to check out but there wasn't much to see other than a tour at the cemetery and a Halloween street fair.  Maybe if I do more planning I can get more out of the city but that will be for next time.  Our quick hour trip was perfect for the city in my opinion and Juniper loved the cemetery :)

This black home was the home of the judge I think? We passed this on our way leaving town.


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