April Phone Photos

Thursday, April 28, 2016

I loved getting photos from Daddy while I was gone.  He always has fun with Juniper and takes her out to explore. 
Karena and I went to the LA Flower Market to get flowers for her wedding!She went with me for mine so it was fun doing this with her.
A family selfie at Karena's wedding in Riverside
Juniper enjoying Great Grandma Grieser's pickles!
These bell bottom jeans were just too cute not to take a pic in.  A hand me down from auntie Katie
I got invited to an exclusive LA party with the rich ladies I worked with and this time I wasn't photographing it and I could bring a guest.  So Landon and I had a last date in LA before we made the big move.  The party ended up being lame and not as glamorous as what I'm used to being at so we ditched it and went to Petit Trois, a celebrity chef Luca's restaurant.  I love watching him on tv so it was fun to get a seat and try his food and even better yet we got to meet him.  He came out and talked to us and was super friendly, it was a nice little hurrah to LA.


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